and Thank You for your interest in Keep Christ in Christmas..
Christmas is a special time of year for Family, Children, Friends, and especially Jesus.. And, it’s a time for Christians to stand united and remind Everyone that this is a Holy season for Jesus Christ. This truth needs to be spoken: “Christmas is a Holy Day, not just a holiday” ..
The Knights of Columbus have a long history of sharing this message with our Parish Families, with products that put Christ back in Christmas. This Catholic, Family-Friendly program makes religious based Cards, Signs, Magnets and More available to your Council which you can display and sell to your Parish family as a Fundraiser.
Join us in promoting the message: Keep Christ in Christmas
We are happy to assist you in your contribution to the 2024 Christmas Season..
Keep Christ in Christmas
* Christmas Cards *
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( A great way to get started in the ‘Keep Christ in Christmas’ program.. )
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