Billboards are posted through your local Billboard Company. Contact Your Billboard Company and ask them about their ‘Public Service Program’. Ask them about posting a 10’ x 20’ Eco flex billboard that You will Provide.
>> This is a 2 part process; You buy the artwork through us for $175.00, and then pay the Billboard Company a fee (maybe free, usually $200 – $300) for posting it. This is a modest investment for sharing the true Christmas Message with your community for the month of December.
Design #KC100
Cost: (Includes Shipping) $175.00
You can Order the medium Direct by going HERE
or, you can Call SK Ken Watterson with help placing your order @ 517.881.0812
This example of the Community Wide Billboard campaign in the Lansing Mi market area.
Contact Ken Watterson for assistance in starting your own..
Advance pages here